
The main problem of interval computations is as follows:given sets of possible valuesX i for variablesx i, and an algorithmf:R n → R, to.estimate the rangef(X 1, ..,X n ) of the possible values off(x 1, ...,x n ). In many real-life, situations setsX i are not intervals. To handle such problems, it is desirable to add set data type and operations with sets to a programming language. it is well known that the entire mathematics can be formulated in terms of sets. So, if we already have a set as a data type, why have anything else. The main reason, is that expression in terms of sets is often clumsy. To avoid this clumsiness, it has been suggested to use not only sets, but alsobags (multisets), in which an element can have multiple occurrences. Bags are used in many areas of Computer Science, and recently, several languages have appeared that use the bag as a basic data type. In this paper, we explain the main ideas behind bag languages, and we also show:

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