
High energy transfer inelastic neutron scattering has been used to investigate the temperature dependence in the range from 20 to 450 K of the intermultiplet transition Einter in the intermetallic compound Sm2Fe17. The peak due to this transition, observed in the inelastic neutron spectrum, shifts to lower energies with increasing temperature. From the temperature dependence of Einter, the temperature dependence of the exchange field Bex acting on the Sm ion has been established experimentally, as the energy of the intermultiplet transition provides a direct value for the exchange field. At the highest measured temperature T=450 K, which is above the Curie point of 389 K for this compound, the transition energy is situated just above the bare spin–orbit splitting for Sm3+. The method utilized in the present investigation offers a rather easy and direct way to determine Bex in a large range of Sm intermetallics, which form an interesting class of hard magnetic materials.

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