
We propose hybrid double-cage rotor windings that consist of a high temperaturesuperconductor (HTS) and a normal conductor, which are introduced into an HTSinduction/synchronous motor (HTS-ISM). The motor rotates as a conventional inductionmotor when the operating temperature of the hybrid rotor is above the critical temperatureof the HTS bars, i.e., in the normal conducting state. On the other hand, the HTS-ISMrotates as a synchronous motor when the temperature is below the critical temperature,i.e., in the superconducting (zero resistance) state. In other words, we do not always needto take care of the cooling conditions, if the HTS-ISM is automatically, as wellas appropriately, controlled, depending upon the rotation mode. Namely, theabove-mentioned hybrid double-cage HTS-ISM is possibly a breakthrough insolving the cooling problems of HTS rotating machines, especially for industrialapplications. The experimental results of the aforementioned motor are reported. Anexample of an operation flowchart of the motor is also presented and discussed.

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