
hanced because the number of questions for each concept on the pretest and post test varied. However, by inspection of the total gain scores obtained for each section, the authors observed that the program seemed to be most effective in teaching nouns and articles. It was quite effective in teaching adjectives and least effective in teaching direct and indirect object pronouns. This last result may have been influenced by the relatively few questions asked on direct and indirect object pronouns on the pretest and post test. It can be concluded from this pilot study that linear programs can be effective in terms of achiev ment in teaching Spanish grammar concepts when used as a self-study aid to classroom instruction. This conclusion is, of course, limited by the fact that this study was a pilot one, and the population involved was small. More studies with larger samples are needed to verify the findgs of this experiment. However, there is an indication that linear programs might be a valuable aid o foreign language instruction. The results of his study should be encouraging to Spanish teachers and students who are searching for assistance in facilitating the learning of Spanish grammar. chievement in teaching Spanish grammar conepts when used as a self-study aid to cl ssroom truction. This conclusion is, f course, limited y th fact tha this study was a pilot one, and e popul tion involved was small. More studies ith larger samples ar needed to verify the findings of t s exp riment. However, ther is an incation that linear programs might be a valua le id to foreign la guage instruction. The results f this tudy should be encouraging to Spanish eachers and students who are searching for asistance in facilitating he learning of Spanish

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