
The rapid spread of the COVID-19 pandemic necessitated unprecedented collective action against coronavirus disease. In this light,we are proposing a novel online platform for the visualization of epidemiological data incorporating social determinants for understanding the patterns associated with the spread of COVID-19. The current AI computational platform combines modeling methodologies along with temporal geospatial visualization of COVID-19 data, providing real-time sharing of graphic analytical simulation of vulnerable hotspots of recurrent (nowcasting) and emergent (forecasting) infections visualized on a spatiotemporal scale on geoportals. The proposed study will be a secondary data analysis of primary data accessed from the national portal (Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)) incorporating 766 districts in India. Epidemiological data related to spatiotemporal visualization of the demographic spread of COVID-19 will be displayed using a compartmental socio-epidemiological model, reproduction number R, epi-curve diagrams as well as choropleth maps for different levels of administrative and development units at the district levels.

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