
Gliese 710 is a K7V star located 19 pc from the Sun in the constellation of Serpens Cauda, which is headed straight for the solar system. Berski & Dybczynski (2016) used data from Gaia DR1 to show that this star will be 13366 AU from the Sun in 1.35 Myr from now. Here, we present an independent confirmation of this remarkable result using Gaia DR2. Our approach is first validated using as test case that of the closest known stellar flyby, by the binary WISE J072003.20-084651.2 or Scholz's star. Our results confirm, within errors, those in Berski & Dybczynski (2016), but suggest a somewhat closer, both in terms of distance and time, flyby of Gliese 710 to the solar system. Such an interaction might not significantly affect the region inside 40 au as the gravitational coupling among the known planets against external perturbation can absorb efficiently such a perturbation, but it may trigger a major comet shower that will affect the inner solar system.

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