
Motivated by applications arising from sensor networks and machine learning, we consider the problem of minimizing a finite sum of nondifferentiable convex functions where each component function is associated with an agent and a hard-to-project constraint set. Among well-known avenues to address finite sum problems is the class of incremental gradient (IG) methods where a single component function is selected at each iteration in a cyclic or randomized manner. When the problem is constrained, the existing IG schemes (including projected IG, proximal IAG, and SAGA) require a projection step onto the feasible set at each iteration. Consequently, the performance of these schemes is afflicted with costly projections when the problem includes: (1) nonlinear constraints, or (2) a large number of linear constraints. Our focus in this paper lies in addressing both of these challenges. We develop an algorithm called averaged iteratively regularized incremental gradient (aIR-IG) that does not involve any hard-to-project computation. Under mild assumptions, we derive non-asymptotic rates of convergence for both suboptimality and infeasibility metrics. Numerically, we show that the proposed scheme outperforms the standard projected IG methods on distributed soft-margin support vector machine problems.

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