
In a cohort of approximately 200 Bangladeshi men, equally divided into smokers and non-smokers and equally divided by exposure to high and low levels of drinking water arsenic, we examined ex vivo a series of immune markers and immune function tests in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). These immune parameters included PBMC cell surface markers (CSM) for B, T, monocytes, and NK cells, activated T and B cell markers, cytokine production in vitro, and analysis of CD4 subsets (Th1, Th2, Treg, and Th17 cells). We found that the effects of cigarette smoke were quite different than those associated with arsenic or polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)-DNA adducts. Cigarette smoking was associated with a significant increase in the number of PAH-DNA adducts as well as an increase in urinary levels of 1-hydropxypyrene (1-OHP). After correcting for arsenic exposure and PAH-DNA adducts, we found that cigarette smoking was associated with an increase in the percentage of CD19+ B cells, as well as the percentage of activated B cells (CD19+, HLA-DRbright cells) found in PBMC. These findings demonstrate activation of the immune system during chronic exposure to cigarette smoke, which is a known risk factor for autoimmune diseases.

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