
Background: In Ayurveda pharmaceutics, Satva is one of the pharmaceutical preparations obtained from certain plants and it is frequently used in the management of various disease conditions. Among various satva bearing plants, Guduchi (Tinospora Cordifolia (Wild.) Miers) is considered the most potent and is used the most. Almost all classical texts of Ayurveda highlight the use of Guduchi satva in combating different disease conditions, such as Prameha, Jwara, Rajayakshma etc. This review provides single-hand information on Guduchi satva. Materials and Methods: Various properties, preparation methods, and therapeutic applications of Guduchi satva are mentioned in 91 classical texts of Ayurveda, comprising 9 Samhitas (treatise), 17 Chikitsa Granthas (compendia of Ayurveda), 35 Rasagranthas (compendia related to Rasashastra), and 30 Nighantus.Results: It is observed that Satva (solid aqueous extract) has properties such as Swadu rasa (sweet), Seeta (cold), Laghu (lightness) Guna, and Seeta veerya (cold potency). Generally, Guduchi satva is prepared from fresh Guduchi stem. During the preparation of Guduchi satva, fresh Guduchi stem is cut into small pieces; it is then crushed well. After crushing, it is immersed four times in water, macerated well, and kept aside for 12 to 16 hours per day. Then, it is filtered and kept aside for 4–6 hrs. Next, the excess water is removed and the sediment portion is collected. More than 111 formulations, having Guduchi satva as an ingredient, are used to treat almost 39 varied disease conditions. Among these diseased conditions, the maximum are indicated for the management of Prameha, Rajayakshma etc. Conclusion: The available data may encourage researchers and also practitioners to enhance their knowledge and use the various dimensions of the present findings to flourish the various applications of Guduchi satva that have not been scientifically explored till date.

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