
Abstract An inexpensive inclined-screen smolt trap was designed and constructed for use in rivers having highly variable flow regimes. The trap included a pontoon-supported floating catch barge and an adjustable inclined screen made of parallel aluminum rods that effectively strained large volumes ofwater, transported smolts without injury, and was highly resistant to debris buildup and easily cleaned. The inclined screen was supported by a movable carriage within a stationary frame that permitted the screen to be deployed at a wide range of depths and angles depending on flow conditions and amount of water-borne debris. The trap was operated for three field seasons in the Bois Brule River, a large Wisconsin tributary to western Lake Superior, to capture and retain parr and smolts of steelhead Oncorhynchus mykiss, coho salmon O. kisutch, chinook salmon O. tshawytscha, and brown trout Salmo trutta, ranging from 45 to 300 mm in total length. The trap remained operational in flows ranging from 2.1 to 17.3 m3...

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