
This paper introduces a flexible discrete transmuted record type discrete Burr-Hatke (TRT-DBH) model that seems suitable for handling over-dispersion and equi-dispersion in count data analysis. Further to the elegant properties of the TRT-DBH, we propose, in the time series context, a first-order integer-valued autoregressive process with TRT-DBH distributed innovations [TRBH-INAR(1)]. The moment properties and inferential procedures of this new INAR(1) process are studied. Some Monte Carlo simulation experiments are executed to assess the consistency of the parameters of the TRBH-INAR(1) model. To further motivate its purpose, the TRBH-INAR(1) is applied to analyze the series of the COVID-19 deaths in Netherlands and the series of infected cases due to the Tularaemia disease in Bavaria. The proposed TRBH-INAR(1) model yields superior fitting criteria than other established competitive INAR(1) models in the literature. Further diagnostics related to the residual analysis and forecasting based on the TRBH-INAR(1) model are also discussed. Based on modified Sieve bootstrap predictors, we provide integer forecasts of future death of COVID-19 and infected of Tularemia.

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