
A new experimental model to evaluate the postantibiotic effect (PAE) in vivo was developed using subcutaneously implanted tissue cages in rabbits with normal host defence mechanisms. The rabbits received benzylpenicillin i.v. in a dose giving a free penicillin concentration of 10 X MIC in the tissue cage fluid (TCF). A log-phase suspension of group A streptococci was injected into the tissue cages exposing them to penicillin in vivo. After 2 h bacterial samples were withdrawn, treated with penicillinase and transferred to 2 tissue cages in untreated rabbits. Simultaneously, unexposed streptococci were implanted in 2 other cages in the same animals. By repeated sampling of TCF, growth curves of the streptococci exposed to penicillin and the controls could be compared and a PAE of 1.6-2.4 h demonstrated. The PAE was of the same magnitude as that found in vitro. The model has several advantages for the demonstration of PAE in vivo: repeated samplings are easy to perform percutaneously, the effect of subinhibitory antibiotic concentrations are avoided, interindividual variations are eliminated since each animal is its own control, and the experiments can be performed in animals with undisturbed host defence mechanisms.

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