
To reduce the memory usage of computing, the locally one-dimensional reduced finite-difference time-domain method is proposed. It is proven that the divergence relationship of electric-field and magnetic-field is non-zero even in charge-free regions, when the electric-field and magnetic-field are calculated with locally one-dimensional finite-difference time-domain (LOD-FDTD) method, and the concrete expression of the divergence relationship is derived. Based on the non-zero divergence relationship, the LOD-FDTD method is combined with the reduced finite-difference time-domain (R-FDTD) method. In the proposed method, the memory requirement of LOD-R-FDTD is reduced by1/6 (3D case) of the memory requirement of LOD-FDTD averagely. The formulation is presented and the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed method is verified by comparing the results with the conventional results.

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