
We derive a semianalytical extension of the spherical collapse model of structure formation that takes account of the effects of deviations from spherical symmetry and shell crossing, which are important in the nonlinear regime. Our model is designed so that it predicts a relation between the peculiar velocity and density contrast that agrees with the results of N-body simulations in the region where such a comparison can sensibly be made. Prior to turnaround, when the unmodified spherical collapse model is expected to be a good approximation, the predictions of the two models coincide almost exactly. The effects of a late time dominating dark energy component are also taken into account. The improved spherical collapse model is a useful tool when one requires a good approximation not just to the evolution of the density contrast but also its trajectory. Moreover, the analytical fitting formulae presented is simple enough to be used anywhere where the standard spherical collapse might be used but with the advantage that it includes a realistic model of the effects of virialisation.

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