
<span>Encryption methods had been widely used for secure data transmission and communication in both public and private organizations against intruders. Rivest-shamir-adleman (RSA) encryption algorithm is one of the most popular and efficient encryption schemes that has been in used for decades. Due to technological advancement and innovation, there is a threat to this algorithm. It is believed that introduction of quantum computer will break RSA algorithm easily. In view of this, it is pertinent to research into how RSA algorithm could be strengthened against all adversaries. This research aim at protecting client/server communication and file sharing by generating dynamic public and private keys. The proposed method was implemented in visual basic.net 2008. The result shows that dynamic keys do not affect the performance of the system and it is capable of protecting communication and file sharing between client/server. As the key generated keeps changing at an interval, it will difficult for most advance computer to factor any of the keys before another key is generated. This is the basis of the security of the proposed system.</span><br /><em></em>

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