
The modeling of pyrolysis can help to understand, predict and optimize many industrial processes. This paper proposes an improved parallel reaction model which tackles the issues of precision and rationality of the popular DAEM (distributed activation energy model). The model was established by optimizing the parameters of sub-reactions, which were estimated via analyzing TG-MS-FTIR (thermogravimetry-mass spectrum-Fourier transform infrared) data of a bituminous coal. The pyrolysis of coal was divided into six sub-reactions corresponding to the primary and secondary pyrolysis at different temperature intervals; including the decomposition of peroxides and carboxylic acids at low temperature, the formation of aliphatic hydrocarbons, aromatics and phenols at medium temperature, and the secondary reactions of aldehydes, ketones and alcohols at high temperature. As heating rate increased, the reaction temperature shifted towards the high region while the overlap of sub-reactions became deeper. The proposed parallel reaction model is bound to provide more accurate predictions of coal pyrolysis and sheds light on the quantitative prediction of fast pyrolysis.

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