
Knowledge and practical skills of working with microorganisms are required for mastering the modern level of development of veterinary and biological sciences. Microorganisms are the main objects of biotechnology, molecular biology and genetics, and they constantly accompany human and animals in the environment and cohabit inside the body. Direct acquaintance with them and the development of the principles of microbiological research will not only improve their professional level, but also to acquire knowledge and skills are not superfl uous in everyday life. The microscopic method involves the study of living or killed representatives of the microbial (bacteria, bacilli, clostridiums and plectridia) and yeast (bakery, fruit and vegetable, berry and grape yeast) world in a colored or unpainted state using a binocular light microscope. An improved technique of the famous Danish microbiologist G. K. Gram for coloring bakery’s yeast has been presented in the article. On the basis of laboratory researches it has been shown that the diff erentiated coloring according to Gram can be changed on color scale, depending on dyes. Classically according to Gram used: gentian violet, Lugol solution, fuchsin Pfeiff er (based on carbolic fuchsin), but in our technique instead of gentian violet methylene blue has been used, Lugol solution, instead of fuchsin Pfeiff er took red safranin and additionally in the manufacture of the third drug – diamond green dye. It has been shown that the coloring of microbial or yeast cultures has being achieved through the latter dye. So, for example with methylene blue, microbes or yeast are colored blue, with safranin in red and with diamond green in green.

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