
Passive or active current balancing circuits are usually used to mitigate current imbalance in driving multiple light-emitting-diode (LED) strings. Passive current balancing schemes adopting capacitors with high reliability, small size and low cost are very popular in many applications. However, the high reactive power of the capacitive balancing scheme with variable frequency control will bring high power stress on the VA rating of the main switches which drive this passive current balancing circuit and decrease the overall efficiency. Fixed frequency control does not permit zero-voltage switching (ZVS) under load variations. Hence, this paper proposes a current-source-output LED driver based on LCLC resonant circuit to provide a constant output current regardless of variations in LED parameters. In the LCLC circuit, the number of additional capacitors is scalable with the number of LED strings for current balancing. Moreover, the input impedance of the improved LCLC circuit is designed to be resistive at the operating frequency to minimize reactive power. The conventional duty cycle control can easily incorporate ZVS. The analysis, implementation and verification are detailed in this paper.

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