
ABSTRACT Information is regarded as a resource with the highest organizational value. Every organization needs a secured way to transmit information over the network. When the network grows, the security becomes a major concern. As a result, a traffic monitoring frame work is required to understand the security risks, to handle the security breaches, to design the security policy, and to provide an effective business continuity plan in case of cyber disasters. In this paper, an Internet traffic monitoring framework has been proposed which handles incidents in a better way and consists of three interdependent layers. Layer 1 comprises the stakeholders involved in implementing the framework. Layer 2 is the core layer which provides the mechanism for its implementation, and Layer 3 shows the outcomes of the Internet Traffic Monitoring Framework. The proposed framework has been designed to ease the work of the Internet Service Provider and to provide a reliable and systematic way of incident handling by monitoring the Internet traffic to combat cyber crimes, cyber terrorism, and cyber disasters in the Republic of Mauritius. This framework also provides a foundation for the overall security management at Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT), Mauritius.

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