
The constant increase in load demand in modern distribution networks leads to its operation on the verge of loadability limit. To enhance the performance of distribution system under such a stressed condition, network reconfiguration in parallel with DG placement and sizing has drawn interests in the present decade. Both JAYA and improved Elitist–Jaya (IEJAYA) algorithms are implemented to solve a complex, combinatorial optimization problem like simultaneous network reconfiguration with DG allocation. It considers both active power loss reduction and loadability enhancement without violating the system constraints. The modifications in the proposed algorithm involve Elitism strategy with a new solution update mechanism based on neighbourhood search and a self adaptive linear decreasing inertia weight to have better balance between local and global search. The proposed approach uses a new forward-backward sweep based load flow solution to evaluate the objective function during different reconfiguration phases. The validation is carried out successfully on 33-bus and 69-bus distribution systems for four different cases considering the effect of four different voltage dependent load models with load growth. The superiority of the proposed algorithm is verified by comparing the simulation results obtained with the existing bit-shift operator based PSO (BSPSO), FWA, HSA and genetic algorithm.

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