
In multiprogramming systems i.e. in systems where several processes reside in memory, organization of processes is very important so that CPU always has one to execute. CPU scheduling is the base of multiprogramming operating systems. CPU executes one process at a time and switches between processes to improve CPU utilization. CPU scheduling strategies help in selecting the next process to be executed by the CPU. CPU scheduling is one of the most important activities performed by operating system which helps in increasing the throughput of the computer system therefore if the performance of scheduling will improve then our computer system will become more productive. In this paper, CPU scheduling algorithm with improved performance has been proposed. The technique which is used for increasing the speed up factor is ‘Pipelining’. This technique can be applied to any CPU scheduling algorithm to improve its performance. The analysis shows that the proposed algorithm is better than the existing scheduling algorithms. The performance is improved by 40-50%. General Terms CPU Scheduler, Scheduling algorithm, Process, etc.

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