
Heavy metal contamination poses a significant environmental threat to wildlife on global scale, making accurate assessment of exposure risk crucial for conservation efforts, particularly for vulnerable species. Existing risk assessment models have been widely used, but their construction process lacks comprehensive considerations. In this study, we constructed an optimized health risk assessment model based on the well-established "Liu's model" and "ADI model", and applied the pollution allocation factor (AF) to accurately assess the risk of heavy metal exposure to wildlife. Our model was applied to assess exposure risk of heavy metal for the black-necked crane(Grus nigricollis), a flagship species in the alpine wetland ecosystem of Caohai Wetland. Soil, plant and black-necked crane fecal samples were collected from the Caohai Wetland and surrounding areas in Guizhou, China. We revealed varying degrees of As, Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb, and Zn contamination in soil and plants from different habitats, exceeding the background or plant limit values. This indicated that the black-necked crane and other waterbirds living in Caohai Wetland are suffering with the multi-elemental heavy metal contamination, especially in the gutterway and grassland. The exposure dose of As, Cd, Cr, Ni, Cu, and Zn toward black-necked cranes differed significantly in soil and plant pathways (P < 0.05). As, Cd, Cu, and Zn were mainly derived from plants consumption, while Cr and Ni originated from soil. Considering the contribution of soil and plant pathways to heavy metal exposure in black-necked cranes, the exposure doses of each elements calculated via food intake accounted for over half of the exposure calculated via feces (AF>0.5). The risk assessment model identified Cr and Pb were the highest risk elements for black-necked cranes, with exposure risk simulated through feces exceeding those through food. These findings suggested that current Liu's model may underestimate the effects of other pathways and medium. Therefore, we proposed a more comprehensive and accurate model for evaluating the exposure risk of black-necked cranes, incorporating AF to quantify the contribution of risk sources to black-necked cranes and understand their overall health risk. This model can serve as a useful tool for the conservation and habitat quality improvement of the black-necked cranes and other waterbirds.

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