
One of the most critical issues to be solved in cities in India is the traffic management. Congested roads and increasing population in India demands an Intelligent Traffic System (ITS). Implementing optimized traffic management with less traffic congestion and improved road safety is the foremost mission of making cities as smart cities. Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANET) technologies can be used to provide the traffic management, route planning, and road safety applications. Reducing the number of accidents on roads and improving the efficiency in travel is the main focus of safety applications. An accident in heavy roads leads to the traffic jam It is required to multicast the accident information to vehicles nearby. It helps other vehicles to change their route plan. In this paper, we propose a resilient cluster-based Steiner tree overlay structure by introducing additional connections between road side units and among cluster heads. Our aim is to design a fault tolerant multicasting technique to quickly forward the emergency messages to all the vehicles subscribed/joined in the VANET. The simulation results show that packet loss rate is decreased by 20.4%, end-to-end delay is reduced by 16.3% and throughput is increased by 22% in the proposed overlay structure.

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