
We present the Implicit Potential (IPOT) numerical scheme developed in the framework of meshless point collocation. The proposed scheme is used for the numerical solution of the steady state, incompressible Navier-Stokes (N-S) equations in their primitive variable (u-v-w-p) formulation. The governing equations are solved in their strong form using either a collocated or a semi-staggered type meshless nodal configuration. The unknown field functions and derivatives are calculated using the Modified Moving Least Squares (MMLS) interpolation method. Both velocity-correction and pressure-correction methods applied ensure the incompressibility constraint and mass conservation. The proposed meshless point collocation (MPC) scheme has the following characteristics: (i) it can be applied, in a straightforward manner to: steady, unsteady, internal and external fluid flows in 2D and 3D, (ii) it equally applies to regular an irregular geometries, (iii) a distribution of points is sufficient, no numerical integration in space nor any mesh structure are required, (iv) there is no need for pressure boundary conditions since no pressure constitutive equation is solved, (v) it is quite simple and accurate, (vi) results can be obtained using collocated or semi-staggered nodal distributions, (vii) there is no need to compute the velocity potential nor the unit normal vectors and (viii) there is no need for a curvilinear system of coordinates. Simulations of fluid flow in 2D and 3D for regular and irregular geometries indicate the validity of the proposed methodology.

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