
Result Processing System forms the key activities in the life span of a student. The demand for effective and efficient result computation and output presents the need to automate existing manual result processing systems. The digitized process provides capabilities such as a centralized repository for storage, management and dissemination of result information to those concerned. This project will enhance the college's existing system of publishing results by providing students with easy and quick access to their results. This paper presents a case study on analyzing academic performance of students at the end of a university degree at an early stage of the degree program, in order to help universities not only to focus more on bright students but also to initially identify students with low academic achievement and find ways to support them. The results show that it is possible to analyze the graduation performance in 4th year at university using only pre-university marks and marks of 1st and2nd year courses, no socio-economic or demographic features, with reasonable accuracy. The system is unique in that it can be adopted and adapted to suit the result processing.

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