
CO2 geo-sequestration is a practical approach to achieve net-zero carbon target. However, one of the main challenges for successful CO2 geo-sequestration is the reduced coal permeability and injectivity that are caused by coal swelling. Coal has complex and heterogenous internal pore and fracture structure. The processes of gases adsorbing, desorbing, and transporting within multiscale heterogeneous coal structures are more complicated compared with conventional rocks. This paper aims to gain insights about the gas transport behaviours in coal by developing a coupled model to simulate gas flow multiphysics as well as dynamic coal deformation. This work develops an image-based 3D fracture network model, called Fracture Box Model (FBNM). In this model, each fracture is described by arrays of box elements such that the regional change of fracture opening widths can be preserved. Compared with other fracture models (e.g. discrete fracture network), FBNM can simulate complicated multiphysical gas transport more efficiently, but also be able to simulate corresponding coal matrix deformation. By comparing permeability results between direct simulation method with FBNM, it is found that FBNM can effectively estimate the permeability of original fracture networks, but requiring significantly less computational cost. To study the implications of gas types, effective stress, gas adsorption, and thermal expansion on coal permeability, gas injection pressures, gas types, coal seam temperatures are varied and investigated in the simulations. In addition to the advantage of computational efficiency, FBNM is more preferable for complicated flow transport simulations where direct simulation methods are still challenging. This work provides a promising framework which could be further developed for multiphase and multicomponent flow simulations for CO2 geo-sequestration projects.

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