
Objective To evaluate the clinical application effects of an iliac-crest-preserving iliac wing bone graft harvesting technique and the bone regenerative ability of the donor site after harvesting. Methods From January 2016 to June 2017, a series of 39 patients including 28 men and 11 women aged between 16 and 59 y (35±13 y in average) were prospectively collected to treat bone defects using the iliac-crest-preserving iliac wing bone graft harvesting technique. The patient cohort included 38 ipsilateral and 1 bilateral bone harvests taken from 15 femoral fracture non-unions, 8 tibial fracture non-unions, 11 femoral head necroses (hip preserving surgery), 1 tuberculosis deriving hip arthritis with bone defect (total hip arthroplasty), 2 hip prosthesis loosenings (revision), and 2 proximal femoral benign tumors. All patients were treated through comprehensive surgeries containing autologous iliac bone grafting. The surgical time, blood loss, bone graft volume, 24 h post-operative visual analogue scale (VSA) at the iliac surgical site, complications, and bone regeneration of the donor site were documented and evaluated. Results In the 39 patients (40 sides), the average surgical time was 25±4 min, average blood loss was 79±23 ml, average bone graft volume was 27±6 cm3. The average 24 h post-operative VAS at the iliac surgical site was 1.8±0.7 points. The VSA at the 6 week later and thereafter were 0 in all patients. The iliac incisions in 38 patients (39 sides) were healed uneventfully. However, seroma at the iliac surgical site emerged in 1 patient at the 6th post-operative day in the manner of serous exudation and was treated successfully with non-operative measures. None infections and lateral femoral cutaneous nerve injuries took place. Iatrogenic non-displaced iliac crest fractures happened in the very first 2 patients when taking the crest as a pivot to pry up the graft, which united without special cure at the 3 month post-operative. This complication was completely avoided when shifting the pivot to the anterior pillar containing the anterior iliac spines. None pelvic fractures and heterotopic ossifications took place. Post-operative radiographical examinations revealed that the bone defects at the donor site shrank through bone regeneration, that mamillary or canine-tooth-shaped bone formation occurred in some of the cases, and that none complete bone regeneration took place to eliminate the bone defect at the donor. There were 12 patients in whom pre- and post-operative computed tomographic scans necessitated by the disease were prescribed, which facilitated the measuring of the bone defect at the donor site. The measurement of 13 sides revealed that the bone defects were decreased more or less: the average immediate post-operative bone defect was 25.7±6.5 cm2, the average 12 month post-operative bone defect was 12.7±5.3 cm2. Conclusion The iliac wing bone graft harvesting technique suggested here is safe and less invasive, in the premise of preserving the iliac crest and retaining the figure of the surgical site, it can harvest a large amount of iliac wing bone graft and reserve the bone regenerative ability of the donor site Key words: Ilium; Tissue and organ harvesting; Bone transplantation; Bone regeneration

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