
In English, there are many ways of expressing politeness which take a wide range of discussion. Opinions and points of view are greatly varied in their understanding of politeness. This research aims at discussing some theories and patterns of politeness, and at giving some examples of politeness from the most respected book for Muslims, Arabic and foreign Muslims, the Holy Quran that has a great effect on them. To conduct the research and to achieve its aims, the following are to be hypothesized: Politeness theories proposed by many linguists like Grice and Lakoff-especially the rule of the Pragmatic Competence in making the addressee feel good- affect greatly the rules of social interaction conducted by many people. 2- The Holy Quran is the base on which Muslims depend in extracting laws and rules of speech acts.To achieve the aims and verify the hypotheses, the researchers adopt the following procedure: firstly, finding some verses from the Holy Quran that give a reference to politeness. Then, to give different translations for each verse. After that¸ the researchers interpret each verse on the bases of many scholars and interpreters' perspectives. Finally, discussing each Qurʼanic text or verse according to the points of view of many scholars and interpreters.This procedure leads the researchers to conclude that the polite behavior of a learner brings preparation of the teacher to teach that learner despite of any difficulty. A human being should remain polite even after getting a high position. Politeness with the prophets is the grandest kind of politeness. Moreover, kind and cute words affect people greatly. The last two conclusions are that personal belongings are kept, and that there is no obedience to anyone in the disobedience of Allah, though each disobedient should be treated politely. These conclusions and ratiocinations are followed by some suggestions for further research that are followed by the bibliography and the appendix.

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