
The intervention “This is My Story” (TIMS) was previously developed and presented as a case study involving chaplains and support to non-communicative patients (Tracey et al in J Religion Health, 60(5):3282–3290, 2021). This further investigation aims to determine feasibility by looking at eight criteria: acceptability, demand, implementation, practicality, adaptation, integration, expansion, and limited-efficacy testing (Bowen et al in Am J Prev Med 36(5):452–457, 2009). Chaplains conducted recorded conversation with a patient’s loved one, then it was edited for brevity and succinctness, and uploaded to the patient’s medical chart and can be listened to at any time by medical providers. A completed interview, posted to the patient’s electronic medical record (EMR), and able to be listened to by the medical team, was found to be contingent upon two factors: proximity to time between referral to call completion and amount of clinical experience of the chaplain.

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