
List of Contributors 1. The Human Geography of Europe: A Prehistoric Perspective 2. The Classical World 3. The Socio-Political Map of Europe, 400-1500 4. Rural Settlement in Europe, 400-1500 5. Towns and Trade, 400-1500 6. Geographical Knowledge and the Expansion of the European World After 1490 7. The Changing Political Map: Geography, Geopolitics, and the Idea of Europe since 1500 8. Changes in Population and Society 1500 to the Present 9. The Changing Cultural Geography of Europe since 1500 10. Rural Europe since 1500: Areas of Innovation and Change 11. Rural Europe since 1500: Areas of Retardation and Tradition 12. Industrial Change 1500-1740 and the Problem of Proto-Industrialization 13. Industrialization 1740 to the Present 14. The Urbanisation of Europe since 1500 15. Changing Patterns of Trade and Interaction since 1500 16. Towards an Environmental History of Europe Index

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