
In a prior study, we showed that trying to detect a taste in a tasteless solution results in enhanced activity in the gustatory and attention networks. The aim of the current study was to use connectivity analyses to test if and how these networks interact during directed attention to taste. We predicted that the attention network modulates taste cortex, reflecting top-down enhancement of incoming sensory signals that are relevant to goal-directed behavior. fMRI was used to measure brain responses in 14 subjects as they performed two different tasks: (1) trying to detect a taste in a solution or (2) passively perceiving the same solution. We used psychophysiological interaction analysis to identify regions demonstrating increased connectivity during a taste attention task compared to passive tasting. We observed greater connectivity between the anterior cingulate cortex and the frontal eye fields, posterior parietal cortex, and parietal operculum and between the anterior cingulate cortex and the right anterior insula and frontal operculum. These results suggested that selective attention to taste is mediated by a hierarchical circuit in which signals are first sent from the frontal eye fields, posterior parietal cortex, and parietal operculum to the anterior cingulate cortex, which in turn modulates responses in the anterior insula and frontal operculum. We then tested this prediction using dynamic causal modeling. This analysis confirmed a model of indirect modulation of the gustatory cortex, with the strongest influence coming from the frontal eye fields via the anterior cingulate cortex. In summary, the results indicate that the attention network modulates the gustatory cortex during attention to taste and that the anterior cingulate cortex acts as an intermediary processing hub between the attention network and the gustatory cortex.

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