
Human vision relies on a tiny region of the retina, the 1-deg foveola, to achieve high spatial resolution. Foveal vision is of paramount importance in daily activities, yet its study is challenging, as eye movements incessantly displace stimuli across this region. Here I will review work that, building on recent advances in eye-tracking and gaze-contingent display, examines how attention and eye movements operate at the foveal level. This research highlights how exploration of fine spatial detail unfolds following visuomotor strategies reminiscent of those occurring at larger scales. It shows that, together with highly precise control of attention, this motor activity is linked to non–homogenous processing within the foveola and selectively modulates sensitivity both in space and time. Overall, the picture emerges of a highly dynamic foveal perception in which fine spatial vision, rather than simply being the result of placing a stimulus at the center of gaze, is the result of a finely tuned and orchestrated synergy of motor, cognitive, and attentional processes.

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