
Seventy-five specimens from thirty fragments of Roman villa wall-paintings from sites in Burgos Castilla y Leon, Spain, have been analysed by Raman spectroscopy. This is the first time that a Raman spectrocopic study of Roman wall-paintings from Spain has been reported. The extensive range of tonalities and colour compositions contrasts with the results found in other provinces of the Roman Empire, for example Romano-British villas. Calcite, aragonite, haematite, caput mortuum, cinnabar, limonite, goethite, cuprorivaite, lazurite, green earth, carbon and verdigris have been found as pigments. Some mineral mixtures with different tonalities have been made using different strategies to those more usually found. Of particular interest is the assignation of the Tarna mine for the origin of the cinnabar used for obtaining the red colour in some specimens analysed here. The wide range of colours, tonalities and minerals found in some of the sites studied in this work is suggestive of a high social status for the community.

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