
We present 4–7 ks Chandra observations of 35 broad absorption line (BAL) quasars from the Large Bright Quasar Survey, the largest sample of sensitive, 0.5–8.0 keV X-ray observations of this class of quasars to date. The limitedrangesinbothredshift(z ¼ 1:42 2:90)andultravioletluminosity(afactorof � 12)ofthesamplealsomake itrelativelyuniform.Of 35 targets,27 aredetected fora detectionfractionof 77%, and we confirmprevious studies that find BAL quasars to be generally X-ray-weak. Five of the eight nondetections are known low-ionization BAL quasars, confirming reports of extreme X-ray weakness in this subset (� 10% of optically selected BAL quasars). ThoseBALquasarswiththehardestX-rayspectraarealsotheX-rayweakest,consistentwiththeinterpretationthat intrinsic absorption is the primary cause of X-ray weakness in this class of quasars as a whole. Furthermore, the observed trend is not consistent with simple neutral absorption, supporting findings from spectroscopic observations of individual targets that BAL quasars typically exhibit complex X-ray absorption (e.g., partially covering orionizedabsorbers).AssumingnormalquasarX-raycontinuaandusingthehard-band(observed-frame2–8keV) X-ray flux to ‘‘correct’’ for the effects of intrinsic absorption at softer energies increases the relative X-ray to optical flux ratios to much closer to the range for normal quasars, further indicating that typically neither are highionizationBALquasarsintrinsicallyX-ray-weak,nordotheysufferfromCompton-thickabsorption.Ingeneral,we find no evidence for correlations between X-ray weakness and ultraviolet absorption-line properties, with the exception of a likely correlation between the maximum outflow velocity of C iv absorption and the magnitude of X-ray weakness. We discuss the implications of our results for disk-wind models of BAL outflows in quasars. Subject headingg galaxies: active — quasars: absorption lines — quasars: general — X-rays: galaxies

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