
Objectives: Group studies of cations such as Natrum, Calcarea, Baryta, Aurum, Magnesium, and Kali, are more readily available as compared to studies on anions such as Muriates, Silicates, Phosphates, Sulphates, and Carbonates. Moreover, literature on Anion groups has not been made available in an evolutionary and integrated manner on the basis of clinical cases. Hence, current study was undertaken to evolve the conceptual image of the Muriatic group through a case series, using the Conceptual Image as a tool for the logical interpretation and representation of data. The objectives of the study were to study the miasmatic expression of muriatic group at different levels, namely, mind, physical generals, physical particulars, predisposition, disposition, causative factors, modifying factors, spheres of action, and pathologies. Based on this, we built a conceptual image of the muriatic group. Materials and Methods: A retrospective case series study was performed by selecting 30 cases where the muriatic component was used in remedies through purposive sampling where not more than 10 cases of cations were selected. Cases were studied using the conceptual image. Frequently observed symptoms were graded based on a frequency distribution table. Subsequently, 30 conceptual images were integrated to evolve a final conceptual image of the muriatic group. Results: It was found that the Emotional Disposition of Muriates was ANXIOUS, IRRITABLE, SENSITIVE, Fearful, and Suppressed. The intellectual disposition was Thinking Emotional, Conscientious, Strong Will, Motivation, and Drive and Low Self Confidence. The behavioral disposition was Reserved and Weepy. The mental state included Dissatisfaction in life and Violent Anger with Vexation. The physical disposition was Stocky Build with Profuse and Offensive Perspiration on Head and face, Cravings for Non-Veg food, Spicy, Sweet, and Sour. The physical aggravations include Sun Exposure, Hunger, Motion, and Menses; mentally, they are aggravated by Vexation. Thermally, they are Ambithermal toward Hot. The tissue affinities involve the Gastric Mucosa, Blood Vessels, Nasal Mucosa, Bronchi and bronchioles, and epidermis and dermis of skin with pathologies such as Inflammation, Hyper-secretion, Spasm, Hypersensitivity Reaction Type 1, hyperproliferation, and hyperkeratinization. Conclusion: Muriates have two predominant mental states: Violent, IRRITABLE, Anger with Vexation, on the one hand, and Sadness with Dissatisfaction, Sensitivity to Reprimands on the other. They are Emotionally driven people who are ANXIOUS and SENSITIVE. At work, they are Highly Conscientious and Responsible individuals with Strong Will, Motivation, and Drive; however, they lack Self-confidence so prefer being Reserved. Due to this, they keep on Tolerating and Suppressing their own emotions and feelings. While it continues for certain period, their Vexation makes them Sad, Depressed, and Dissatisfied, leading to Forsaken feeling with Self Pity. They are Sensitive to Reprimands, which make them Weep. They form Close Attachments in their relationships and seek Love to come out of their sadness.

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