
The collection of the Fees Must Fall Movements (FMFM) records are new to most\narchivists and records managers in South African universities. This paper aims to\nassess the collection of records during the Fees Must Fall Campaign using a Multiple\ncase study design. Qualitative data were collected through interviews with selected\narchivists and records managers from the University of Johannesburg, the University\nof Witwatersrand, and the University of Cape Town, and subjected to document\nanalysis. The study established that most of the FMFM campaigns were not\ncollected/documented by the university archive repositories. It emerged that there\nwere no clearly developed strategies to collect FMFM. Therefore, the study\nrecommended that universities develop clear strategies for data collection and\nencouraged collaboration and partnership in the collection FMFM.

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