
A new, simple, and explicit analytical solution has been derived for calculating horizontal stress changes and displacements caused by the excavation for a diaphragm wall panel. The theoretical solution is obtained by applying the principle of superposition appropriately to model diaphragm wall construction using a basic elastic solution to the problem of an infinite horizontal plate with a rectangular opening subjected to a uniaxial stress at infinity. The basic elastic solution can be obtained by using the method of complex variables with a simplified conformal transformation function. Key parameters governing the magnitude of horizontal stress changes and displacements are identified. Computed results are given in a normalized form in terms of aspect ratio (length to width) of a diaphragm wall panel. Two extreme cases for diaphragm wall panels with dimensions 1 m × 1 m and 10 m × 1 m have been analysed to investigate the distributions of stress changes and deformations around the panels during the bentonite stage. By performing a parametric study, calculation charts have been developed for computing horizontal stress changes and displacements for practising engineers and researchers to carry out preliminary designs and for numerical modellers to verify their sophisticated predictions. The ease of use of the charts is illustrated by two examples, and the limitations of the derived solutions are discussed.Key words: diaphragm wall, elasticity, stress change, displacement, stress analysis, earth pressure.

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