
The Manilkara zapota, commonly known as sapota, is a popular fruit with a sweet and juicy taste. However, its shelf life is relatively short, which limits its storage and transportation potential. In this experimental study, we aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of Nat Mur 30 in prolonging the shelf life of sapota. To conduct the experiment, we divided the sapota fruit into two groups - the experimental group, which was treated with Nat Mur 30, and the control group, which was left untreated. The fruit was then stored under controlled conditions, and the changes in its physicochemical properties were monitored over time. Overall, our study suggests that Nat Mur 30 has a remarkable effect in prolonging the shelf life of sapota fruit. This finding has significant implications for the fruit industry, as it provides a cost-effective and safe solution for preserving sapota and enhancing its market potential.

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