
Aluminous titanium-rich hedenbergite and Fe-rich augite were experimentally produced at 1050–1220°C and 0.8–2.2GPa. Major element compositions are analogous to clinopyroxene from layered intrusions, angrites, nakhlites, and late-stage lunar magma ocean cumulates. Trace element concentrations in pyroxene and coexisting melt were measured by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for rare earth elements (REE), high field strength elements (HFSE), transition metals, and large-ion lithophile elements. REE, HFSE, and transition metal partition coefficients (Ds) are tightly correlated with the cation abundance of Fe on the pyroxene M1 site (XFeM1), and also correlated with Al on the tetrahedral site (XAlT). Parameterized lattice-strain models were developed to predict REE and HFSE partition coefficients as functions of temperature and pyroxene composition (XAlT or XFeM1). The parameterized models can be used to calculate REE and HFSE partition coefficients for Fe-rich high-Ca pyroxene. We calculated partition coefficients for clinopyroxene derived from modeled end-stage lunar magma ocean cumulate compositions and observe a factor of 3 variation in clinopyroxene-melt REE partition coefficients. Using representative nakhlite clinopyroxene core and rim compositions we calculated partition coefficients and observed a factor of 4 variability in clinopyroxene-melt REE partition coefficients. HFSE partition coefficients are even more sensitive to composition, showing variations of a factor of 4 for lunar late cumulates and an order of magnitude for nakhlites. The strong dependence of REE and HFSE partitioning on composition necessitates careful selection of appropriate partition coefficients for Fe-rich systems.

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