
Ignition studies of two C5 esters were performed using a rapid compression facility. Methyl butanoate and ethyl propanoate were chosen to have matching molecular weights and C:H:O ratios while varying the length of the constituent alkyl chains. The effect of functional group size on ignition delay time was investigated using pressure time-histories and high-speed digital imaging. Low-temperature, moderate-pressure conditions were selected for study due to the relevance to low temperature combustion strategies and internal combustion engine conditions. The experiments covered a range of conditions: T=935–1117K, P=4.7–19.6atm, and ϕ=0.3–0.4. The experimental data are compared to previous high temperature studies and chemical modeling. A new mechanism for methyl butanoate and ethyl propanoate ignition is presented. The modeling and experimental data are in excellent agreement for methyl butanaote and yield good agreement for ethyl propanoate.

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