
Pumped hydro storage (PHS) plays an important role as a matured technology that accounts for the vast majority of global energy storage capacity, and its expansion is therefore desirable. The expansion of PHS in mid- and high-water heads is limited to topographic features, but there is an untapped potential in low-head applications. For most of the PHS applications, a Francis reversible pump-turbine (RPT) is regarded as the most common and cost-effective machine, but it is not a suitable option for water heads of less than 30m. In its place, positive displacement machines like lobe pumps could potentially work as RPT machines and unleash new possibilities for low-head pumped hydroelectric storage. In addition, unlike bladed pump-turbines, lobe pumps-turbines present a fish friendliness design, an important attribute to preserve the aquatic wildlife. This work will therefore present a three-lobe pump that could potentially be used in low-head PHS. An experimental model for a lobe machine will be presented, and its results will be used to validate the computational fluid dynamic simulations. Numerical investigations will address the characteristic curves regarding water-head, rotation speed and flow rate.

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