
In the present period, the lack of availability of natural fine aggregate is one of the most significant challenges facing the Indian building sector. Cement, sand, and aggregate are the three major ingredients used to produce conventional concrete. Due to the wide diversity of particles used in the creation of concrete, each of which contributes a varied amount of strength to the finished product, the strength of concrete can vary significantly from batch to batch. As a result of the growth in construction activity, natural sand is in short supply, forcing individuals to search for a suitable substitute. This demand has caused the price of natural sand to increase. Crushing natural stone to produce artificial sand of the right size and quality is the most efficient and cost-effective method for obtaining a substitute for natural sand. This manufactured sand would be free of contaminants and of the required size and quality. Another advantage of this method is that it is rather uncomplicated. This study examines whether it would be feasible to replace natural sand with artificial sand produced by crushing basalt, taking into account several technological, environmental, and economic considerations. In order to conduct tests, concrete mixtures complying with the Indian Standard code and of the M20 grade have been prepared (IS: 10262) The compressive strength of this concrete cube was measured after 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, and 40% of natural sand was replaced with manufactured sand. Included in these percentages were 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, and 40%. In addition, the experiment findings indicate that up to thirty percent of natural sand can be replaced with artificial sand while still attaining the optimal result, which is maximal strength. In this endeavour, no mixing of any type is occurring in any way.

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