
Siskayanti V, Arniputri RB, Praswanto. 2016. An examination on various concentrations of mahkota dewa and meniran extract and liquid organic fertilizer in Centella asiatica shoot growth in vitro. Biofarmasi 14: 47-55. Centella (Centella asiatica L) is one plant utilized as the traditional medicine because it has many benefits, one of which is to fulfill the brain requirement. The aims of this research was to know of media type, mahkota dewa and meniran extract, concentration of meniran, concentration of mahkota dewa, and concertation of liquid organic fertilizer what as well as shoot growth of Centella using tissue culture and filtering (2k design) that is expected it can be screened of the basic media types, organic material types (mahkota dewa and meniran extract), meniran concentration, mahkota dewa concentration and liquid organic fertilizer concentration. This research was taken place in Plant Physiology and Biotechnology Laboratory of Agriculture Faculty of Sebelas Maret University, from November 2010 to June 2011. This research used 2k design with RAL environment. Factor 1: Media type ( ½ MS and MS); Factor 2: Concentration of liquid organic fertilizer (2 mL/L and 20 mL/L); Factor 3: Concentration of meniran 5 mL/L and 25 mL/L); and Factor 4: Concentration of mahkota dewa (5 mL/L and 25 mL/L). Thus, there is 24 = 16 treatment combinations, each of which is repeated three times. The variables observed are shoot emerging duration, shoot number, shoot height, and leaves number. The data were analyzed descriptively. The result of research showed that basic media MS, that basic media MS, POC 20 mL/L, and meniran extract 5 mL/L provided the best explants growth of Centella through in vitro.

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