
A baseline study was conducted. There appears to be significant pressure for athletes in aesthetic sports to be thin, especially as physical and aesthetic aspects greatly influence judgements in competitions. Remarkable mental distress and extreme weight control are risk factors for eating disorders. The purpose of this study was to investigate the psychological characteristics in female adolescent aesthetic athletes. The sample consisted of 12 female aesthetic athletes and 19 female non-aesthetic athletes, aged between 15 and 18 years. The psychological characteristics were assessed using POMS 2®-Y (Profile of Mood States 2nd Edition-Youth) scores before and after the games. Disordered eating was assessed using AEBS (Abnormal Eating Behavior Scale). The data were analyzed using correlation analysis, t-test and two-way ANOVA. The pre-game scores of POMS 2®-Y negative items in the baton twirling players were significantly higher than those in hand ball players. On the other hand, the post-game scores showed no significant differences between the two groups. Correlations were found between the scores in most of the negative items of POMS 2®-Y and AEBS total score. We suggested that aesthetic athletes had more negative mood states related to disordered eating than non-aesthetic athletes before games. Nutrition education should be conducted with an emphasis on these psychologically characteristics in aesthetic athletes.

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