
The purpose of this study was to examine the association between teachers work engagement and organizational commitment at university level. In this study, a quantitative research approach was used. The research would use factor analysis to describe the relationship between organisational commitment and work engagement, hence it was descriptive in nature. Work engagement and organisational commitment are factors in the study that are already present and cannot be manipulated by the researcher. All full-time teaching faculty (N= 37397) of public and private sector universities/Degree Awarding Institutions/Higher Education Institutions in Pakistan that are recognised by the Higher Education Commission made up the study's population. The sample of 400 university instructors (n=500) was chosen using a proportionate stratified random selection procedure. This sample size represents around 1.33 percent of the overall population (N=37397) and 7% of the population that is accessible (N1=7134). The questionnaire used to evaluate overall employee involvement as well as the study's sub-dimensions is clearly accurate and consistent. To collect data and assure the highest response rate possible, the researcher personally visited teachers. To answer the study's original questions, SPSS was used to analyse the data.

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