
A comprehensive analysis of sustainable human resource management (SHRM) techniques for accomplishing organizational financial, social and environmental objectives is done in this study. Here, we examine the diverse function of SHRM in coordinating human capital practices with more extensive organizational goals, acknowledging the growing significance of sustainability in today's corporate environment. We contend that although SHRM has not performed up thus far, it possesses the capacity to greatly aid in bolstering an organization's endeavors. We investigate the causes of this failure and talk about how SHRM can be involved in the formulation and execution of a company's strategy. Our proposal for a multifaceted, multistakeholder approach to sustainable SHRM builds on previous efforts to include environmental and corporate responsibility in the SHRM assessment framework. This approach includes actions meant to prevent negative consequences for stakeholders as well as to contribute to successful results along the triple bottom line as we explore the implications for study and develop a number of assertions as well as suggestions for more investigation.

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