
In this study it was aimed to examine the written about the drug addiction. This is a screening model study and descriptive method was also used. In this study, epistemological document analysis was employed as data collec-tion method. The study was carried out using theses which have been written about the drug addiction since 1987 and of which full texts were obtained from Council of Higher Education Department of Publication and Documen-tation. In the study it was targetted to reach all the theses.In the study, 77 theses about the drug addiction were reached in Council of Higher Education National Thesis Center. Seventy-three of them were studied as four of them were not accessible. The theses were transferred into compuer and they were analyzed by categorizing them according to the university, graduate school, type, year and topic. Among the theses included in the scope of the study, the number of master’s theses (n=57) was higher than doctoral theses (n=10).It was determined that the theses were mostly written in the Graduate School of Social Sciences (n=37) and in the Department of Psychology (n=23) and quantitative research was used at most (n=62). Depending on the obtained data, the development of effective intervention plans can be suggested.

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