
Intimate partner violence (IPV) against women causes inadequate and unbalanced nutrition in children aged 0-5years and adversely affects their growth. To examine the impact of intimate partner violence on a child's growth regarding the medical diagnosis in paediatric patients under 5years of age, growth of the child, and the mother's exposure to intimate partner violence. This descriptive cross-sectional study included 166 children admitted to a paediatric emergency department, and their mothers. Women exposed to emotional violence and controlling behaviour during pregnancy had children prone to being overweight and obese. A mothers lifetime exposure to physical violence had an adverse effect on their children's wasting and moderate wasting. In contrast, mothers' exposure to emotional violence had a direct impact on a child's wasting and moderate wasting. The lifetime effect of domestic violence may begin at birth. This vulnerability leads to negative outcomes in both children and women regarding biopsychosocial development. Nurses and midwives in primary health care services and one-on-one care should be trained to evaluate prospective mothers and children aged 0-5 regarding violence and its effects on the child's growth.

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