
Introduction: Linear boundary value problems for Fredholm ordinary integro-differential equations are seldom consideredwith integral boundary conditions in the literature. In our case, integro-differential equations are subject to multipoint or nonlocalintegral boundary conditions. It should be noted that finding exact solutions even for multipoint problems or problems with nonlocalintegral boundary conditions with a differential equation is a difficult task. Purpose: Finding the uniqueness and existencecriterion of solutions for Fredholm ordinary integro-differential equations with multipoint or nonlocal integral boundary conditionsand obtaining exact solutions in closed form of such problems. Results: Within the class of abstract operator equations, for thespecial case of Fredholm integro-differential equations with multipoint or nonlocal integral boundary conditions, a criterion for theexistence and uniqueness of an exact solution is proved and the analytical representation of the solution is given. A direct methodanalytically solving such problems is proposed, in which all calculations are reproducible in any program of symbolic calculations.If the user sets the input parameters and the initial conditions of the problem, the computer codes check the conditions of existenceand uniqueness and of solution generate the analytical solution. The stages of the solution method are illustrated by twoexamples. The article uses computer algebra system Mathematica to demonstrate the results.

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