
This paper presents a novel and exact solution of the Schrödinger equation with zero potential energy, based on the analogy with Fick’s equation of diffusion. The author derived the wavefunction of a particle in a vacuum as an error function of the rotational phase angle, which corresponds to the geometry of a flat space. This solution reduces to the sinusoidal form of the wavefunction commonly used in quantum mechanics. The author also explored the implications of this solution for the connection between quantum physics and gas mechanics, and the possibility of using error functions and general transforms to model past, present, and future events in physics. The author used computer simulations to compare the error function solution and the sinusoidal solution in terms of response time, accuracy, and fit to the geometry of a flat space. The results showed that the error function solution was superior to the sinusoidal solution in all aspects, and that it had a stronger link to the gas mechanics, useful to Quantum ASTROPHYSICS. The results also suggested that the error function solution could be used to model past, present, and future events in physics, using error functions and general transforms. This paper is a preliminary analysis of the deeper physics underlying the error function solution of the Schrödinger equation, based on the author’s previous publications on point physics generalizing to Hod-PDP mechanism, field tensor modeling, string-metrics, and information-time event matrix formulations. The paper recommends that future research should extend the error function solution to space time geometry higher dimensions, non-zero potentials, and more diverse experiments. The paper also recommends that future research should explore the applications of error functions and general transforms within physics and other mathematical physical general related fields of sciences.

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